Do I Really Need to Use Supplements?

26 Apr 2024

Discover some useful supplements

Vitamin and mineral supplements are very common. Additionally, protein supplements are now so common that almost every fitness enthusiast is gulping them down and sometimes, without a full understanding of their impact.

Let’s look at some common supplements often recommended by doctors to live a healthy life.

Folic Acid Supplements

During pregnancy, folic acid is crucial for the healthy growth of a baby in the mother’s womb. Although green leafy vegetables provide abundant folic acid supplies, it’s not adequate for a pregnant mother. As a result, doctors prescribe 400 micrograms of supplements per day for up to 12 weeks to avoid neural tube defects.

Vitamin D supplements

Vitamin D is a special vitamin found in very small amounts in our daily food and only sunlight helps to synthesise it in our bodies. Therefore, for healthy bone and muscle growth, doctors may prescribe Vit-D supplements to meet daily requirements, particularly during winter times.

Vitamin A, D & C supplements

These are often prescribed for children aged between 6 months to 5 years for growth and development. They are commonly used for building immunity.

Other commonly consumed supplements are Probiotic, Fish Oil, multivitamins, Melatonin, Collagen, Zinc and Protein powder etc.

#1: Supplements have specific benefits

Vitamins and minerals are essential to helping your body develop and function as it should. While most people get all of what's recommended by eating a healthy diet, others need a little extra nutrient boost, especially if you're tired, stressed or not eating well. That's where supplements can come in — providing you with the support your body needs to stay healthy. Interestingly, numerous studies have linked the use of multivitamins and certain wholefoods taken before conception and whilst pregnant to healthier pregnancy outcomes

Vitamin B12: keeps nerve and blood cells healthy and prevents anaemia.

  • Calcium: promotes good bone health

  • Fish oil is good for the heart.

  • Vitamin A supplements support people suffering from vision problems.

  • Zinc and Vitamin E supplements help to slow ageing.

  • Melatonin helps with sleep and may assist in helping to cure jet lag.

#2: All supplements aren’t free from side effects & aren't always good quality

An important consideration when you are taking any supplements with other prescribed medicines is to seek medical advice, always consult your doctor when pregnant.

#3 Things to consider!

No matter how you consume supplements through food or medicines, they can combat dietary deficiencies and help us to live a healthy and proactive life. Interestingly, multivitamin supplements occupy 40% of the supplement sales volume.If possible it is helpful to understand if you have any deficiencies by having a blood test and then you and your doctor can discuss targeted supplement support.

Thankfully, most supplements found in the market are safe, but it is important to check the label for appropriate directions.

The Final Say

As we have discussed, dietary supplements can be great if you’re taking them for the valid reasons and have adequate information about them. In fact, supplements like probiotics and protein powder can be extremely beneficial to meet the deficiencies caused as a result of our sedentary and ‘fast food’ lifestyle. But - nothing can beat a healthy and balanced diet. Unfortunately this is just not possible all of the time so enjoy the benefits that supplements can offer and remember to consult your physician first.